“….. I filled out the survey hoping to improve my corner entry and i unlocked an ingrained bad habit and began to work on it. I have been using poor throttle transition in corner entry and this was the breakthrough i needed. The race weekend after the class i enter four races and got four podiums. I got one first place, two second place, and one third. I missed my second chance at first place by less than one 10thof a second. ”
"...It was great to do the line drills at extremely low pace. This gives you lots of time to observe the detailes of the track from the perspective of the seat of the bike. That along with the AM track walk gives you lots of perspective you don’t get even when running a moderate pace. The one hand drill was great."
"...It was an absolute blast.....'Well worth its weight in gold.' The things that Corey, Jody and the rest of the insights that were being shared definitely helped open up the track and reduced my time getting around it."
"...The one hand ride was awesome! I learned more with the walk and the one hand than I have learned in a great while."